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Showing posts from June, 2019

Chicken Inasal

Chicken Inasal is the local version of chicken barbecue and is a staple throughout the region. As this is a very popular delicacy, recipe tends to vary from one to another or even from one inasal stand to another. A whole lot of chicken inasal restaurants have sprouted across the country led by Mang Inasal, an Iloilo-based fastfood chain before it was acquired by Jollibee around 5 years ago. But even if there are no chciken insal stands or Mang Inasal branches near you, you can still enjoy the delectable goodness of chicken inasal using this simple recipe. Here' a simple recipe for Chicken Inasal 

Sinigang nga Bangrus

While sinabawan is the more basic Ilonggo sinigang where mostly tomatoes and onions make the dish, sinigang will always be my personal favorite. Just the sour broth alone would be a perfect partner for a cup of rice (usually it's cupS of rice). I even like it more with a lot of vegetables - radish, eggplant, string beans and kangkong, among others. Of course there's the bangrus with all its delicious belly! Yum yum... Here's the recipe for a Sinigang nga Bangus